domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

The giver diary (1-4)

                                                   The giver diary

(old house)

 The book "the giver" by Lois Lowry is a really interesting book. In the past few weeks i had read the first 4 chapters. In this chapters the narrator  talk about the life of Jonas and his society. Jonas is a kid how have 11 years and is really nervous for the important last ceremony of twelve. At this ceremony he will be tell his assignment for the rest of his life. His society is a really strange one and have a lot of strange rules. one of this rules is that pilots cannot flay over the community. In page 1 and 2 they talk about a plane that enter to the community the government ask everyone to get inside but a few minutes later they tell everyone that it was an accident . Jonas was really nervous about the ceremony and he tell his parents in the talk of the night (that was another rule were you need to share your fillings) . His parents want to calm him so they told him about the ceremony and his assignment. they told him that it was chosen by what they do in their Volunteering hours but there was a problem Jonas has spent his Volunteering hours in every place of community. Jonas also always was wearied in the rules of his community but he relax when he now that his father broke one. his father work with the new babies. There was a baby that wasn’t good so he brought it home and broke a law  by watching his name. The  last chapter I had read was number 4 in this chapter Jonas is competing his volunteering hours. He always make them with his friend Asher but this time he didn’t find him. When he finally find him he was at the old hours with Fiona. Fiona is a girl that Jonas kind of like her. In there he talked with a woman about the relist of a man. 

There is a quote in particular that I think that stands out. In page 28 they say  “but he finally found Asher’s bicycle leaning, as usual, instead of upright in its port, as it should have been at the house of old. There was only one other child bicycle there, that of a female Eleven named Fiona.”  This quote make me think that Asher’s may like Fiona. This could be very controversial because at a part of the book when they present Fiona the narrator say that Jonas kind of like Fiona. I predict that Jonas and Ashur are going to fight because of Fiona.  

Dear readers this couple of weeks had bring me a lot of emotion and I think that this will continue like this.  Each week or couple of weeks I will be posting new writings for you to read. In this I will be talking of what happen in what I read and readers like you can comment of what is happening know . This is a really good book and I believe that can be a really good theme to talked about. 

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

Interview of the book The Giver


The Giver by Lois Lowry by what I have read is a book  about a boy Jonas that live in a perfect world. But  know is time for the true, he need  to get special training by The Giver. He will tech him the memories about pain and pleasure of life.  On the dedication Lois Lowry says "for all the children to whom we entrust the future". With this quote he mean that in us the new generations are the future of the the world. If the world it will be bad it will be our fall and how we made it. I predict that this book will be really god and that this boy will tray to change the perfection of his world. People will start to realize that something is wrong with there wold.